David Creamer

David Creamer

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Ph.D. Student
Department of Fisheries and Wildlife


Major Advisor:

Michael Wagner


David is originally from the Chicago area and first became interested in invasive species after observing huge die offs of invasive alewives on the beaches of Lake Michigan. After attending the University of Miami, and managing a fisheries genetics lab at Auburn University, he earned his M.S. at Texas Tech University. His master’s research involved creating risk assessments of New Mexico and Texas lakes to zebra mussel invasion. Here at MSU, David will be working in the Wagner Lab on invasive sea lamprey control and mitigation. We will develop fish passageway devices that incorporate behavioral and hydraulic cues to remove the lamprey, while letting native fish pass. These devices could potentially improve the management of lamprey and allow the reconnection of lakes and rivers without causing further invasive spread. In his free time David enjoys hiking, birdwatching, and caring way too much about football.