Erin Hill, Ph.D.

Erin Hill

Contact Me


Committee Co Chair



B.S., Plant Biology, University of Michigan 
M.S., Horticulture, Michigan State University
Ph.D., Crop and Soil Science, Michigan State University

Plant & Pest Diagnostics Role:

Dr. Erin Hill is part of the multi-disciplinary team in MSU Plant & Pest Diagnostics. Her responsibilities include the diagnosis of abiotic plant stress with an emphasis on herbicide-related injury, herbicide resistance screening, weed control recommendations, and collaborating on plant and seed identification. She also enjoys outreach activities related to weed identification, management, and resistance.  


Additionally, Dr. Hill serves as the instructor for two weed science courses within PSM, Introduction to Weed Management (CSS126) and the Weed Science Laboratory (CSS226L). As part of the lab she organizes the weed identification garden located at the Hancock Turfgrass Research Center. 

Peer-reviewed Publications:

Erin Hill's publications on Google Scholar.

Websites of Interest: 

Social Media

Other Information:

  • Joined Department: 2006-2015 Research Technician; October 2015-Present Specialist