Gabby Nielson

Gabby Nielson

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M.S. Student
Department of Fisheries and Wildlife


Major Advisor:

Brett DeGregorio


Gabby is from Logan Utah where she got her B.S. in Wildlife Ecology and Management at Utah State University in 2022. During her time in Utah, she developed a love for the outdoors and spunky wildlife. This directed her areas of interest which include working with private and public stakeholders to develop non-lethal methods of wildlife management and increase climate resistant landscapes. While at USU she worked for PIBO-MP, monitoring streams and riparian habitat throughout the Upper Columbia River Basin. After graduating from USU, she began working for USDA APHIS at the Predator Research Facility maintaining a colony of coyotes and assisting researchers to further improve coexistence between humans and predators.

Here at MSU Gabby is a part of the first cohort of the newly established USGS coop unit. Her project has her closely working with wildlife services to tag and track beavers to evaluate their response to pond leveler devices. The results of this project will help inform wildlife managers on how to best install and maintain flow devices in a way that prevents the resident beavers from abandoning their dam.