Module 3: Value Chain Analysis – Concepts and Research Gaps


This is the first part in a series about value chain analysis. The training took place on Feb 18th, 2022. Part one reviews the process of value chain transformation in developing countries and how to design and implement agri-food value chain surveys. This training also presents the current gaps in research on cassava value chains in Southeast Asia. The module contains a video recording of the training along with the PDF versions of the slides presented. This series was co-organized by Kasetsart University, Thailand.


-Understand how value chain transformation occurs in developing countries

-Learn how to design and implement value chain surveys

-Familiarize yourself with value chain analysis through the example of the cassava value chain in Southeast Asia, understanding what research has been done and what gaps there are


Suresh Babu (IFPRI), Orachos Napasintuwong (KU), Bart Minton (IFPRI), Ben Belton (MSU), Jonathan Newby (CIAT)

Begin Module