• Current mentors can make the best recruiters

    Published on June 20, 2014
    Most mentoring programs are in constant need of new mentors. Current and past mentors can be incredibly successful recruiters: find out how to make the most of this often untapped resource.

  • Exploring equine breeds: The American Quarter Horse

    Published on June 18, 2014
    Follow the “Exploring equine breeds” series to learn more about the variety of horse breeds available to horse enthusiasts!

  • Livestock and fair food shouldn’t mix: Tips to keep you healthy at the fair

    Published on June 17, 2014
    Risk of getting sick after touching livestock at a petting zoo or the fair is real and tragic. Nothing can be done to eliminate the risk, but there are several practical things fairgoers can do to avoid getting sick after petting animals.

  • Leadership styles Part 1: Authoritarian leadership

    Published on June 17, 2014
    This series of four articles will explore four different leadership styles and how the style can affect a group in accomplishing a goal. Part 1 focuses on authoritarian, or dictator leadership.

  • Precision feeding the beef herd: Part 1, learning from the dairy industry

    Published on June 16, 2014
    Beef producers can copy dairy feeding practices to more precisely meet the nutrient requirements of the herd.

  • Sunglass safety for kids

    Published on June 13, 2014
    Keep kids safe from the summer sun with plenty of sunscreen. What about their eyes? Have you ever considered how important it is to keeping kids eyes protected from the sun? Read more to learn how to you can protect your child’s eyes from the sun.

  • Summer and skin care for youth

    Published on June 13, 2014
    Summer is right around the corner and that means youth and adults will be outside doing activities. Sun protection is very important at all ages and this article will explore ways adults can help teach youth about sun safety behaviors.

  • Building and practicing life skills in a 4-H club setting: Managing

    Published on June 13, 2014
    4-H clubs provide an important learning experience for youth to build and practice life skills. Learn how 4-H club leaders can help youth gain skills in the managing life skills category.

  • Why is social media a beneficial relationship building tool?

    Published on June 13, 2014
    A brief look at how social media can be utilized as a valuable tool to build and maintain professional relationships.

  • Planning for the college waiting list

    Published on June 13, 2014
    Students can often be placed on an admissions waiting list for their chosen college or university. But what exactly is a college waiting list? What steps can students take to plan for their future when placed on a college waiting list?