Beef and Dairy Cattle Animal Welfare: Market Opportunities and Threats [2012 - 2015]
Co-Principal Investigators
Christopher Wolf
Non-AFRE Co-Principle Investigators: (PI) Janice Swanson, Animal Science Department
This is a USDA – National Institute of Food and Agriculture funded grant, via Kansas State University as the lead, and co-implemented in the MSU Department of Animal Science, with collaboration from the Department of Agriculture, Food and Resource Economics at MSU.
The long-run goal of this project is to improve the situation presented by growing animal welfare concerns for U.S. beef and dairy cattle operations. Specific objectives include:
- To engage producers to benchmark knowledge and awareness,
- To identify and document perceptions of animal welfare issues from both consumer and producer perspectives, and
- To disseminate generated knowledge widely and effectively through novel and practical outreach efforts
Implementation Jan. 2012 – Jan. 2015.
View a presentation on this research “Benchmarking Industry Self-Perceptions Regarding Animal Welfare” by Glenn Tonsor, Kansas