• Director's message Fall 2013

    Published on January 20, 2014
    We have had another great spring and summer. Our faculty continues to do terrific things.

  • Distinguished Speaker Series: Bill Johnson

    Published on January 20, 2014
    As part of the continuing Distinguished Speaker Series, Bill Johnson (class of 1954) discussed his career, philosophy, and ideas for the profession’s future.

  • Landscape Architecture Alumni Association 2013 Golf Scholarship Fund Raiser

    Published on January 20, 2014
    After a slight weather delay, the 64 participants in the 2013 Landscape Architecture Alumni Association golf outing came out swinging to raise money for student academic scholarships.

  • 2013 Student awards

    Published on January 20, 2014
    Scholastic achievement was honored at the spring graduation awards banquet.

  • Message from the LAAAB President

    Published on January 20, 2014
    Welcome to the first complete newsletter that the 2011 MSU Landscape Architecture Alumni and Advisory Board (LAAAB) has produced.

  • The power of the pencil: PDC 991 Cross-Disciplinary State Park Study Away

    Published on January 20, 2014
    Learning, connecting, informing, transforming, collaboration…all are buzzwords that describe this session of PDC (Planning, Development, and Construction) 991.

  • Alumni memoirs

    Published on January 20, 2014
    After reading the recent LandTEXTURE newsletter, I felt compelled to write and tell you about my experience at MSU and life in the 1950s.

  • Announcing the MSU Landscape Architecture Distinguished Speaker Series

    Published on April 9, 2013
    The Landscape Architecture Alumni Advisory Board and LA faculty are joining together to create a Distinguished Speaker Series to celebrate and share the impact of LA’s across Michigan and the world.

  • The Dual-Degree Advantage

    Published on April 9, 2013
    This spring, as graduates don their cap and gown and huddle for photographs with Sparty, the first group of students enrolled in the new dual BLA/MED curriculum will walk across the stage to accept their diploma.

  • Director's Message Spring 2013

    Published on April 9, 2013
    The last year has been an exciting and fulfilling year for our Landscape Architecture program. I am particularly happy about the energy and excitement created by the newly formed Landscape Architecture Alumni Advisory Board.