• Individual Caretaker Training Record

    Published on November 22, 2019
    This sheet is used to record the individual caretaker training at the swine facility.

  • Caretaker Training

    Published on November 22, 2019
    Caretaker training is essential for every person on the farm for basic understanding of protocols and safety concerns. Training should be done annually and after every new hire.

  • Daily Observation SOP

    Published on November 22, 2019
    Caretakers are required to observe all pigs on a daily basis. Daily observations ensure prompt care of animals with critical health needs and detect any equipment or barn issues that need to be addressed.

  • Biosecurity Policy

    Published on November 22, 2019
    Disease prevention is an important component of any swine system. The primary risk from people entering the facility is tracking in contaminated materials on their possessions, clothing, and body from direct and indirect contact with pigs.

  • Emergency Action Plan SOP

    Published on November 22, 2019
    This sheet is used to record the daily temperatures throughout the swine facility.

  • Daily Temperature Record Sheet

    Published on November 22, 2019
    This sheet is used to record the daily temperatures throughout the swine facility.

  • Euthanasia Action Plan SOP

    Published on November 22, 2019
    This sheet is used write down an action plan for proper and human euthanasia for the swine facility.

  • Back Up Emergency Equipment Maintenance Record

    Published on November 22, 2019
    This sheet is used to record the maintenance of the back up equipment that is used on the swine facility.

  • Animal Care and Abuse Policy

    Published on November 8, 2019
    The Animal Care and Abuse Policy reflects the zero tolerance policy for any willful acts of abuse. Acts of these kind are unacceptable and will not be tolerated.

  • Basic horse handling practices for first responders

    Published on November 4, 2019
    A tip sheet for basic safe handling practices of horses for first responders.

  • Mortality Management After a Rollover Event

    Published on October 4, 2019
    A guide to mortality management options after an unexpected situation.

  • Marketing and Pricing Standing Hay

    Published on August 5, 2019
    MSU Extension offers an education opportunity to learn about the pricing and marketing process of standing hay.

  • Marketing and Pricing Standing Corn Silage

    Published on August 5, 2019
    MSU Extension offers an educational opportunity to learn how to process and understand pricing and risks that may come with the marketing strategy you choose.

  • Swine Influenza Positive Checklist

    Published on July 19, 2019
    A checklist to help you figure out how to keep everything in check if swine influenza occurs.

  • Already at Freeboard? How to Deal with a Manure Storage Emergency

    Published on May 1, 2019
    Does the wet spring have your manure storage looking dangerously full? Are your fields too saturated to spread on? There are some actions you can take to relieve the situation and the impending environmental emergency.

  • How to Deal with a Manure Storage Emergency

    Published on April 26, 2019
    Does the wet spring have your manure storage looking dangerously full? Are your fields too saturated to spread on? There are some actions you can take to relive the situation and the impending environmental emergency.

  • Southeast Michigan Small Farm Needs Assessment

    Published on April 11, 2019
    MSU Extension experts created a comprehensive survey sent out to over 200 small farmers in Southeast Michigan and conducted a focus group in Washtenaw County. The document outlines the results of their research.

  • Euthanasia of Large Animals - Bolt Gun

    Published on July 2, 2018
    Location and angle for humane euthanasia of large animals using a penetrating captive bolt gun.

  • Euthanasia of Large Animals - Firearm

    Published on July 2, 2018
    Location and angle for humane euthanasia of large animals using a firearm.

  • Animal Agriculture: Impacting Animal Health and Wellbeing

    Published on December 22, 2016
    As stewards of agriculture, livestock producers are continuously focused on improving production and minimizing risks. Animal health is one area producers are always striving to improve.