• Craterellus Ignicolor

    Published on November 2, 2018
    Craterellus ignicolor (R.H. Petersen) (Basidiomycota, Chantharellaceae) most often grows in areas with significant shade and in amongst moss in coniferous or hardwood forests.

  • Laccaria Bicolor

    Published on October 29, 2018
    In 2008, Laccaria bicolor (Maire) P.D. Orton was the first gilled mushroom to have its entire genome sequenced.

  • Fungus is fashionable

    Published on October 24, 2018
    In the past stone wash jeans were actually made with pumice stones.

  • Mutinus Elegans

    Published on October 24, 2018
    Mutinus elegans (Montagne) E. Fischer is a member of the stinkhorn group of mushrooms, which are similar in appearance and stench bu are in two separate genera.

  • Pholiota Limonella

    Published on October 20, 2018
    P. limonella is a gilled, saprobic mushroom found growing gregariously on logs.

  • Clitocybe Nuda

    Published on October 19, 2018
    Clitocybe nuda, a common saprobic mushroom growing on duff or woodchips, is a desired edible.

  • Cantharellus Cinnabarinus

    Published on October 3, 2018
    The red chanterelle, native to eastern North America, has a wide distribution.

  • Lactifluus Hygrophoroides

    Published on October 3, 2018
    Formerly belonging to the Lactarius genus, this species was moved to Lactifluus subg. Lactifluus (autonymous) in 2012.

  • Suillus Americanus

    Published on October 2, 2018
    S. americanus is a bolete found in eastern North American and is mycorrhizal with white pines, especially Pinus strobus.

  • Xylaria Polymorpha

    Published on October 1, 2018
    Xylaria Polymorpha(Persoon) is a saprobic ascomycete that is commonly known as deadman’s fingers(1).