• Pure Michigan Agriculture Summit

    Published on February 10, 2015
    Growers and processors interested in expanding their markets can connect with retail and institutional buyers at this annual event.

  • Grants available to enhance local parks and recreation areas

    Published on February 9, 2015
    The DNR has grant money available to help make your community recreation offerings better.

  • You vacation based on climate, but you pack based on weather

    Published on February 9, 2015
    While 2014 was reported as the warmest year on record globally, the Great Lakes region experienced one of the coldest winters on record last year. What gives? The answer lies in the difference between weather and climate.

  • Debriefing Part 3: What’s that all about?

    Published on February 9, 2015
    Have you ever heard someone say “Let’s debrief” or “We’ll finish today by debriefing” but ever really understood what that meant? This article will specifically address debriefing with youth and provides some resources and age-appropriate tips.

  • Michigan approves industrial hemp research

    Published on February 6, 2015
    Growers may benefit from industrial hemp, a traditional multi-use crop.

  • Debriefing Part 2: What’s that all about?

    Published on February 6, 2015
    Have you ever heard someone say “Let’s debrief” or “We’ll finish today by debriefing” but ever really understood what that meant? In this article we’re going to explore some rules for debriefing and a few basic tips for success.

  • Muskegon’s local food scene is emerging

    Published on February 6, 2015
    Several exciting local food projects are in under development in this lakeshore community.

  • Debriefing Part 1: What’s that all about?

    Published on February 5, 2015
    Have you ever heard someone say, “Let’s debrief” or “We’ll finish today by debriefing” but never really understood what that meant? In this first article about debriefing, we’ll discuss the origin, definition and techniques for effective debriefing.

  • Carbon monoxide: Winter’s silent killer

    Published on February 3, 2015
    Two-thirds of all carbon monoxide deaths (non-fire related) occur in November, December, January and February. Reports to Fire Departments nationwide averaged 72,000 annually between 2006 and 2010.

  • What to do with all this plastic? Part 2

    Published on February 3, 2015
    Creative communities get innovative and entrepreneurial with one of the world’s largest environmental hazards.