• Brown marmorated stink bug


    Brown marmorated stink bug adults are shield-shaped, with mottled brown coloration on the upper and lower surface. They can be distinguished by lighter bands on antennae and they have darker bands on the membrane part of the front wings.

  • Brown stink bug


    Stink bug adults have a broad, flattened, shield-shaped body and a narrow head. The brown stink bug is brown to grayish-brown and slightly speckled.

  • Buffalo treehopper


    The pale green adult exhibits a large thorax with two "horns" and a long posterior wedge-shaped body. The cream-colored eggs are laid in a groove on the tree bark, where they overwinter.

  • Calyx end rot


    Symptoms begin at the calyx end of the fruit, causing a reddish discoloration at the site of infection. The rot is at first soft, but eventually dries out, turning tan to brown with a red border.

  • Cedar apple rust


    On leaves, the disease appears on the upper surface as small, faint, yellow spots shortly after the appearance of active cedar galls found on the alternate host for this fungus, the red cedar.

  • Cherry fruitworm


    The adult is a small, brownish gray moth with a median gray band on the forewings and a dark spot at the base of the hind wings. Although whitish gray with a black head when young, the larva eventually becomes pink tinted, with a brownish tan head.

  • Cigar casebearer


    Adult is dark gray with fringed wings. The small yellowish larva of the cigar casebearer has a black head and builds and hides in a cigar-shaped shelter that it carries with it while feeding or attaches to leaves and branches of apple trees.

  • Click beetles


    The click beetle is dark-colored its body is hard and elongated it has a characteristic pair of spurs and sometimes colorful markings on its thorax.

  • Climbing cutworms


    Adults are dark brown or grayish colored moths. Larvae tend to be smooth caterpillars with few hairs, brown or black head capsules, and bodies a dull gray-brown background color with stripes, spots, or dark brown, black, yellow or white splotches.

  • Codling moth


    The adult's forewings are striped with fine brown-gray lines and a distinctive bronze to brown-black oval spot at the tip. Eggs are laid on the leaves or fruit.

  • Comstock mealybug


    Adult females and nymphs are generally similar in appearance, having an elongate-oval shape, no wings, a many-segmented body and well-developed legs.

  • Crown gall


    Infected trees are often stunted and produce small, chlorotic leaves. Spherical to elongated swellings along the roots or on the trunk just above the soil line is the primary symptom.

  • Dock sawfly


    The adult is bluish black with red legs. The larva is a smooth velvety green worm with white legs and a dark head.

  • Dogwood borer


    The adult is bluish black with yellow bands and has clear wings, resembling a wasp. Larva is creamy white to pink with a sclerotized reddish head.

  • Dry eye rot (blossom end rot)


    Symptoms begin at the calyx end of the fruit, causing a reddish discoloration at the site of infection. The rot is at first soft, but eventually dries out, turning tan to brown with a red border.

  • Dusky stink bug


    Stink bug adults have a broad, flattened, shield-shaped body and a narrow head. The dusky stink bug is dark brown, with sharp shoulder projections.

  • Eastern tent caterpillar


    The adult is reddish brown with two white, transverse-parallel bands. Masses of shiny black eggs are laid in a ring around twigs. Larvae have long silky hairs on their body and a yellow line on their back.

  • European apple sawfly


    The adult looks similar to a small, orange-brown wasp with the ventral side and legs orange in color. It has transparent wings with many veins. The egg, oval and translucent, is inserted into the receptacle of the flower.

  • European corn borer


    Adult is a pale yellowish brown moth with irregular darker bands running in wavy lines across wings male is distinctly darker than the female.

  • European earwig


    The European earwig is dark brown with an elongated body, equipped with pincer-like forceps at the rear of the abdomen. The short elytra do not entirely cover the abdomen.

  • European fruit lecanium (Brown apricot scale)


    The adult female scale is nearly hemispherical and shiny brown, with several ridges along the back. Nymphs are light colored.

  • European fruit scale


    The female is immobile and covered with a circular waxy shell that becomes dark gray over time and is elevated at the center. The adult male is brownish red with an elongated abdomen, long antennae and wings.

  • European red mite


    Adult female European red mites are less than 0.5 mm and dark red with eight legs. Adult males are smaller than the females and have a pointed abdomen. Males are usually dull green to brown.

  • Eyespotted bud moth


    Adult forewings are bluish gray with a central cream-colored band and black spots. The chocolate brown larva has a black head and thoracic shield.

  • Fall webworm


    Adult is a white moth with dark spots on the wings, which may be less distinct in northern specimens. The pale yellow larva has a dark head and dark tubercles with clumps of hairs.