• Fire blight


    Blossom blight occurs in the spring. Infected blossoms first exhibit a water soaking, followed by wilting and their eventually turning brown on apple and nearly black on pear. Individual flowers or the entire cluster may be affected.

  • Flatheaded appletree borer


    The adult is a short-horned beetle, flattened above, with short antennae and large conspicuous eyes. The upper surface of the body is dark metallic brown with slightly patterned wing covers.

  • Flyspeck


    Sooty blotch and flyspeck are found together on the same fruit and affect only the epidermal layer of the fruit. Flyspeck colonies appear as distinct groupings of shiny, black fungal bodies on the surface of the fruit.

  • Forbes scale


    Round or elongate gray scale with a raised reddish area in the center, which distinguishes it from the San Jose scale.

  • Forest tent caterpillar


    Adults are reddish brown with two brown, transverse-parallel bands. Masses of shiny black eggs are laid in a ring around twigs. Larvae have long silky hairs on their body and a row of elongated spots along the back.

  • Fruittree leafroller


    The adult is red-brown with mottling. The translucent green caterpillar has a reddish to dark brown head and an amber to pale green thoracic shield edged with brown.

  • Gray mold


    Lesions usually start at the calyx or stem end of the fruit or at wound sites as small water-soaked areas. As lesions age, they enlarge, turning from grayish-brown to light brown, and eventually to a darker brown.

  • Green June beetle


    The adult is velvet green dorsally with yellow-orange margins on the elytra. Ventrally it is a shiny metallic green mixed with orangish yellow. The larva is a large, C-shaped grub that lives in the soil and is not found in the trees.

  • Green pug


    The adult is a grayish moth with mottled or scalloped dark striations toward the wing margins. The larva is a green inchworm with a dark head and a dark reddish brown dorsal mid-line present in later instars.

  • Green stink bug


    Stink bug adults have a broad, flattened, shield-shaped body and a narrow head. The green stink bug is uniformly grass-green.

  • Gypsy moth


    The adult male is brownish and marked with blackish zigzag lines. The adult female is whitish with brown transverse zigzag stripes and does not fly. The masses of oval and yellow eggs are laid on the trunk of trees and covered with hair left by the female.

  • Hawthorn dark bug


    The young adult is black with red wing markings, which disappear a few days after it metamorphoses into an adult.

  • Humped green fruitworm


    Adult's forewings are gray and marked with light and dark areas for 2/3 of their length the outer 1/3 is a lighter gray.

  • Japanese beetle


    Japanese beetles can be present from June through September. Japanese beetle adults are metallic green or greenish bronze with reddish wing covers and several white spots near the abdomen tip and along the sides. Larvae are larger C-shaped grubs that live in the soil.

  • Leaf weevils


    Leaf weevils are green or brown curculios with a metallic appearance. Their antennae are borne on the snout.

  • Lesser appleworm


    The adult is a small gray moth with distinct small orange bands or patches on the wings; some blue is also evident in newly emerged specimens.

  • Mineola moth (Destructive pruneworm)


    Adult is a bluish gray moth that assumes a wedge shape when at rest. It has a transverse broad white stripe bordered by a smaller reddish brown stripe in the middle of the forewings a smaller set of similar bands occur near the posterior edge.

  • Moldy core and core rot


    Moldy core is associated with several different fungi. Infection is initiated at the calyx end and the fungi proceed to grow inward into the carpel tissue or locules and cause a core rot.

  • Mucor Rot


    Infected tissue appears light brown, soft, and watery. The infection usually develops at wound sites, at the calyx end, or at the stem end of the fruit.

  • Mullein plant bug


    Adult is grayish green with black spots on the legs. The nymph resembles an apple aphid or a white apple leafhopper and is solitary, very mobile and lacks cornicles.

  • Necrotic leaf blotch


    Medium to large, irregular necrotic lesions occur on the foliage of mature leaves during mid- to late summer. The remaining green tissue generally turns yellow shortly after the appearance of symptoms.

  • Nectria canker


    Cankers are often associated with nodes, often appearing as elliptical sunken areas. Sometimes callus production stops fungal invasion and cankers die by season's end.

  • Nectria twig blight


    Typically, small cankers can be found girdling the base of cluster buds that bore fruit the previous year. This leads to the wilting and dying of leaves and twigs of current season's growth.

  • Obliquebanded leafroller


    Adult wings are beige, tinged with red. Forewings are crossed with oblique brown bands. The female is larger than the male. The green eggs are laid in masses on the upper surface of leaves.

  • Oriental fruit moth


    The adult is a small moth with dark gray mottled wings that lighten somewhat at the outer edges. The larva is dirty white to pinkish with a reddish brown head and an anal comb.