Building Impactful Programs: Using the Logic Model Framework for Program Design and Outcome Measurement

August 6, 2024 11:00AM - 12:00PM 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM EST.

Online via Zoom

Contact: Liz Williams-

Building Impactful Programs: Using the Logic Model Framework for Program Design and Outcome Measurement

Designing programs to address community needs can be challenging. The logic model framework is a simplified illustration of the relationships among resources, activities, and the changes that have resulted. This session will increase participants’ understanding of the components of logic model and their use in program development and evaluation. After understanding this framework, participants will learn practical evaluation practices and explore long-term outcome measurement through the programmatic example of organizational development.

Learning Objectives:

§ Discuss why Logic Models are used

§ Increase understanding of Logic Model components (Inputs, Outputs, & Outcomes)

§ Learn evaluation practices to measure and communicate outcomes.

The Great Lakes ROTA-RC is funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) to provide training and technical assistance (TA) to the rural communities of Health and Human Services Region 5:  Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, and Wisconsin. Collaboratively, we develop and strengthen community capacity to prevent, treat, and support recovery for opioid use disorder and other mental health and substance use disorders, using a whole family/whole community approach to provide culturally appropriate educational opportunities. For more information, please visit the Michigan Substance Use Prevention Education and Recovery (MiSUPER) website.


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