Mortgage Foreclosure Basics

December 4, 2024 12:00PM - 1:00PM

Online via Zoom

Contact: Teagen Lefere at or 989-539-7805


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While foreclosure rates have declined somewhat during recent years, the issue is not over, and many households are still facing foreclosure. Many have experienced a loss or reduction of income. This webinar will describe the options to keep, sell or let foreclosure happen. National mortgage pre-foreclosure regulations and the timeline from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) will be explained. Additional topics include the Michigan Foreclosure Timeline, steps in foreclosure prevention, what is in a Workout Package, the impact of foreclosure has on credit reports. Where to find a HUD certified Housing Counselor and other local resources.

Teagen Lefere & Nancy Latham, MSU Extension Program Instructors specializing in Financial and Homeownership Education

A few days before the session, you will receive an email with information and a zoom link.  Registration is required for materials. Materials will be emailed to participant prior to session.



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