Pesticide Applicator Core Review and MDARD Core Testing – 5-28-25 Pontiac
May 28, 2025 8:00AM - 5:00PM Check-in for the program is 8 to 8:30 a.m.
Registration Deadline: May 29, 2025 - 12:00AM
Oakland County EOB Conference Center, 2100 Pontiac Lake Rd., Bldg 41W, Pontiac, MI 48328
Contact: For questions about online registration, contact Melissa Burns at 517-264-5315 or Laura Miller at 517-439-9301. For questions about program content, contact Christina Curell, MSU Extension, at
Pesticide Applicator Core Review and MDARD Core Testing –5-28-25 Pontiac
Sessions are 8:00 am to 5:00 pm with lunch provided. Cost is $25.
Multiple sessions and locations are available. Scan the QR code for a full list.
The 4-hour review covers the chapters of the National Pesticide Applicators Certification Core Manual. The review is held in the morning and the MDARD exams are given that afternoon.
RUP credits in either Private or Commercial Core are available for those already certified and seeking renewal by seminar credits.
Participants should read and study the Core Manual before attending the review. Copies may be purchased at a MSU Extension office or ordered from the NPSEC Fulfillment Center online at the following link:
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