On Agrilinks: Creating an Enabling Environment for a Youth in Ag
Published on August 7, 2018
Recommendations to create an enabling environment to fully harness young people’s innovativeness and energies for inclusive agricultural transformation. -
Ministry of Agriculture Directors endorse two drafts: The National Fertilizer Policy and the Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Strategy
Published on July 17, 2018
FSP NAPAS: Malawi has been responsible for the drafting of the National Fertilizer Policy since 2015, as well as for providing technical and financial support to the Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Strategy. -
Stakeholders’ Roundtable with the Minister of Livestock and Fisheries in Dodoma
Published on July 4, 2018
At the request of the Minister of Livestock and Fisheries, ASPIRES and SAGCOT facilitated a roundtable discussion whereby the Minister met with key representatives of the livestock and fisheries sectors. -
June Was Food Security Policy Month on Agrilinks
Published on July 2, 2018
See how we explained and shared our expertise on policy and food security in developing countries, with 7 blogs and 1 webinar. -
Why the Influence of Agricultural Policy Research is Probably Greater than We Think
Published on June 30, 2018
We believe there are at least three categories of impactful policy-oriented research that development organizations should be promoting, even though it may be difficult to track the immediate impact of such research on a policy change. -
The Policy Analysis Group Organizes a Seminar with Members of Parliament in Dodoma
Published on June 28, 2018
PAG presents recommendations for advancing the agricultural sector’s contribution towards creating an industrialized economy to Tanzania's Members of Parliament in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture. -
FSP and IAPRI Technical Training on Applied Econometrics and Stata
Published on June 26, 2018
FSP in Zambia brings technical support to IAPRI, a think tank on agricultural policy analysis. -
Ensuring Food Security and Nutrition Policy Coherence
Published on June 26, 2018
Food security involves many sectors and partners requiring to make sure that policy is coherent across sectors. How then do governments ensure policy congruence? -
Spinning the Kaleidoscope Model
Published on June 22, 2018
The complexity of the policy process can be analyzed with the Kaleidoscope Model that helps identify 16 variables at play during the design and implementation of a policy. -
Are Medium-scale Farmers Driving Agricultural Transformation in Africa?
Published on June 21, 2018
The rapid change from small-scale farms and medium-scale one has many implications for the agricultural production of developing countries.