• The Garden Resource Program

    Published on December 13, 2013
    The Garden Resource Program supports and connects urban gardeners in Detroit thereby strengthening the local food system.

  • Season of giving – Not of discarding

    Published on December 13, 2013
    Americans throw away 25 percent more trash during the holidays than any other time of the year. By adopting a few new traditions, you can reduce waste, save time, money and resources and still have a bright and beautiful holiday season.

  • Holiday gifts for gardeners

    Published on December 13, 2013
    Make your holiday gift special for the gardener in your life.

  • What is food sovereignty?

    Published on December 13, 2013
    Food sovereignty is the next step beyond food security that includes people determining their own food or agriculture policy, and being able to choose food that they want.

  • Improve your garden with proper seed storage and planning

    Published on December 11, 2013
    Now is the perfect time to make sure leftover seeds are properly stored, take a seed inventory and make notes to look for possible production improvements for next year’s garden.

  • Firewood: You may be bringing in more than just wood

    Published on December 11, 2013
    Insects can be accidental travelers, especially when bringing firewood into your home.

  • Fresh herb gardening in winter

    Published on December 6, 2013
    Fresh herbs are a great way to bring life to the doldrums of winter, use fresh flavors in cooking, and practice some Smart Gardening techniques.

  • Rebuilding an eroding bank on an inland lake

    Published on December 4, 2013
    Study compares two natural shoreline erosion control techniques suitable for moderate to high energy lakefront properties.

  • Do not release invasive species: Part 1

    Published on December 4, 2013
    When managing water features, contractors and water gardeners can prevent the introduction of Aquatic Invasive Species into natural waterways by using proper disposal methods.

  • Bed bug infestations in the home

    Published on November 22, 2013
    Get rid of bed bugs, and keep them away.