• Challenge Action Result: CAR Statements Part 1

    Published on July 14, 2014
    A tool to professionally discuss the skills and experience you have gained through 4-H or other extracurricular and work activities.

  • Your child’s learning style: Part 2

    Published on July 14, 2014
    How does your child learn best? As a parent, you are your child’s first teacher. Learn more about how to help kinesthetic learners discover their strengths and have successful learning experiences.

  • Statistics as a career

    Published on July 11, 2014
    Interest in collecting, analyzing and interpreting data can lead to a career in statistics.

  • Seven motivations for giving

    Published on July 8, 2014
    In our fast-pace world, it can be hard to slow down and think about the needs of others. However, it is important as community members and parents that we take time to teach our youth the importance of giving.

  • Summer steps to help prepare for college admission

    Published on July 7, 2014
    Before summer turns into fall, get a head start on the college application process with these helpful tips.

  • Nine ideas to keep your child learning this summer

    Published on July 3, 2014
    Did you know the average child will lose one month of the knowledge gained during the school year over the summer? Here are nine ideas to help keep your child learning this summer.

  • Young children learn by copying you!

    Published on June 27, 2014
    Infants and toddlers are the world’s best “copy cats.” Young children learn from their parents, caregivers and even from watching television.

  • Drinking water to stay cool

    Published on June 24, 2014
    Hot summer days are upon us and it is important to remember the best way to hydrate and stay cool this summer: water!

  • What’s so great about day camps?

    Published on June 23, 2014
    Families are finding great value in sending their kids to days camps that last anywhere from a few days to a week.

  • Resources to prepare youth for the 21st century workforce

    Published on June 23, 2014
    What are the skills employers are looking for and how can I gain them?