• Pollinator stewardship for farmers, growers, and gardeners

    Published on February 26, 2024

    Farmers are well positioned to support bee health and may even on bee pollination for their crops. Learn programs and practices that support pollinator health by judiciously using pesticides and establishing pollinator habitat.

  • Beyond the Farmers Market: Evaluating Direct Market Channel Opportunities

    Published on February 23, 2024

    Where are you selling, or planning to sell your products? How do you make these decisions? We’ll talk about perceptions, realities, pros and cons of farmers markets, farm markets, CSAs, restaurant sales, institutional markets and more!

  • What MSU Extension Can Do For You!

    Published on February 22, 2024

    Extension has a presence across the state, yet it’s been called one of the best kept secrets in Michigan. What is Extension and what can it do for you? Learn a brief history of Cooperative Extension and the resources available through MSU Extension.

  • The Rotation Effect

    Published on February 22, 2024

    You can’t beat the rotation effect according to research, but some farmers try. This session will talk about why rotation is important to the productivity of cropping systems and explore when a continuous crop could be used.

  • Vertebrae Pest Management in Field Crops

    Published on February 22, 2024

    Deer damage has been an issue for farmers for many years and continues to get worse. Learn more about vertebrae management in field crops including deer, voles and birds.

  • Preserving MI Harvest-Preserving Beans and Meats

    Published on February 22, 2024

    Discover how to use your pressure canner to preserve dry beans and meats. Freezing meat will also be explored.

  • IPM Tools in Field Crops

    Published on February 22, 2024

    We all know IPM is important. What tools are available to help you make informed decisions? Discuss different tools for scouting, tracking etc to help identify issues issues that could be coming to your fields.

  • Alternative Weed Control Methods

    Published on February 22, 2024

    Looking for weed control methods other than herbicides, want to go organic or incorporate some different methods in your conventional system? This session will discuss different methods of weed control used in organic systems.

  • Breaking Down Nutrient Cycling in Cover Crops

    Published on February 22, 2024

    This session will cover nutrient cycling in cover crops, including FAQs around crop nutrients, nitrogen credits, and cover crop termination timing. Also, what research says about the impacts of cover crops on nutrient cycling.

  • Cattle Checkup – How to Complete a General Cattle Health Exam

    Published on February 21, 2024

    Learn how to perform a general cattle health exam and the signs to watch for illness, injury, or other changes in the animal’s health status and determine what is happening.

  • Beginning Fruit

    Published on February 21, 2024

    Nothing compares to farm fresh fruit, but growing fruit can be a little more complicated than one would initially think. This session will cover the basics of fruit production and dispel some common myths that viral videos might have led you to believe

  • Preserving MI Harvest-Preserving Tomatoes and Salsa

    Published on February 21, 2024

    Preserving tomatoes is a popular topic for home canners. Salsa is a great way to preserve your tomatoes and peppers. Join us to learn the science of preserving sweet and savory salsas!

  • Enterprise Budgeting for Beginning Farm Decision-makers

    Published on February 21, 2024

    Further develop management skills in agriculture production systems by focusing on enterprise budgets and cost of production, including cost of production, economic profit, and understanding enterprise budgets in production agriculture.

  • Brainstorming farm goals… & how to make them happen!

    Published on February 21, 2024

    Join this interactive workshop to brainstorm goals for your farm, evaluate those goals as SMART goals and/or HEART goals, and think through how to make your goals into a timeline, vision board or reminder to inspire you every day to follow your intention.

  • MI Ag Ideas - Getting started with Beekeeping with Ana Heck

    Published on February 20, 2024

    We all benefit from a healthy pollinator population. This presentation will cover pollinator diversity, issues that bees are facing, and what people can do to support pollinator health.

  • Preserving MI Harvest - Canning Basics

    Published on February 20, 2024

    Food Preservation is a science. Discover how to safely preserve high and low acid foods at home using your water bath, atmospheric steam or pressure canners.

  • The Three Fs of Farmland: Finding it, Funding it, and the Future of it.

    Published on February 20, 2024

    Land access is often the biggest challenge for beginning farmers. Learn tools to find farmland, fund it, and to keep it farmland for future generations.

  • Organic Farming, Certified or Not!

    Published on February 20, 2024

    Learn how to integrate organic practices into your farming system. The decision to seek certification depends on your markets and drive. Learn about the values and challenges imposed by organic certification vs. following organic practices.

  • Top 10 FAQs from Michigan Horse Owners

    Published on February 19, 2024

    This presentation will discuss and provide resources in regard to the Top 10 questions received by the MSU Extension Equine Team from Michigan Horse Owners.

  • Beginning Vegetables

    Published on February 19, 2024

    Vegetables are easy to try as a new grower, or as a new crop among other enterprises. Learn the types of vegetables to consider for different markets and some techniques for their production at smaller scales.