• Solar Energy Lease Agreement Considerations

    Published on February 17, 2021

    MI Ag Ideas to Grow With 2021 - Sustainability Session: With the change in Administrations in Washington, there is likely to be renewed interest in expanding renewable energy resources in the countryside. MSU Extension’s Charles Gould, Michigan State University Extension Bioenergy Educator, has been in the forefront of investigating ways to include solar, wind and biogas generation of power to reduce energy costs to producers. This session will focus on things to consider if you are approached by a renewable energy company to build solar generation on your or adjacent farms. We have asked Charles to discuss how these may impact your operation (or how to minimize the impacts) and what the implications may be for your neighbors and property tax valuation.

  • Cover Crops: Fitting into your System

    Published on February 17, 2021

    MI Ag Ideas to Grow With 2021 - Sustainability Session: Are you thinking of using or currently using cover crops and looking for alternatives for fitting them into your cropping system? This session will discuss cover crop species and traditional as well as innovative planting methods for including them in your rotations. Topics will include early interseeding, planting green and more.

  • Soil Fertility and Testing

    Published on February 17, 2021

    MI Ag Ideas to Grow With 2021 - Horticulture & Natural Resources Session: This session will be a basic introduction to soil fertility. We will cover essential nutrients, soil testing, soil test reports, soil pH and fertilizer application rate calculations.

  • Alfalfa Pest and Crop Management Session

    Published on February 16, 2021

    MI Ag Ideas to Grow With 2021 - Field Crops Session: Forages are an important crop for livestock producers and an important cash crop on many farms. We have seen an increase in pest and weed issues in alfalfa and mixed species forage production. Pests such as potato leafhopper and alfalfa weevil have become bigger problems. Growers are looking to protect their stands and reduce the impact of weeds for better hay quality and returns. Michigan State University Extension Educator Phil Kaatz will talk about management strategies to address these and other issues. He will also visit about what types of grass species may be best for yields and palatability for the horse market. Please be aware this is a partial recording and the beginning is missing.

  • Soybean and Wheat Management Considerations for 2021

    Published on February 16, 2021

    MI Ag Ideas to Grow With 2021 - Field Crops Session: Planting date, variety selection, scouting and environmental conditions impact both the crop and pest development for these important crops. Mike Staton will discuss some important aspects of planting rate and soybean populations, which has implications for canopy wetness and disease control. Fusarium head blight remains one of the most important diseases of wheat for yield reduction and grain quality and marketability. Dennis Pennington will discuss how fertility, stand, weather and timing can impact wheat yields and disease control.

  • Review of Herbicide Resistant Weeds in Michigan and Surrounding States, Submitting Good Samples to the Diagnostic Clinic at MSU & Nematode Management Update

    Published on February 16, 2021

    MI Ag Ideas to Grow With 2021 - Field Crops Session: This session will review herbicide resistant weed species identified in Michigan, their location, and those reported by the Land Grant Universities in surrounding states, and how to submit a good sample to MSU for determination weed species across southern Michigan and strategies to control them. It will also address bio-type shifts in Soybean Cyst Nematodes in Michigan, and what nematode feeding in corn might look like in the field.

  • Basic Healthy Practices for Pigs

    Published on February 16, 2021

    MI Ag Ideas to Grow With 2021 - Animal Agriculture Session: This session will include information that will help the small or beginning farmers who are involved in pork production. Participants will gain knowledge on proper production practices that focus on management over medication including; biosecurity, vaccination programs, deworming practices, identifying sick or at-risk animals and information on foreign animal diseases (FAD) that pig farmers should be aware of. Whether you are raising animal for your freezer, using a custom butcher while marketing freezer meat or selling pigs on the open market, this session will help you gain a better understanding of production practices that will help improve the health of your swine herd.

  • Native Plants to Promote Pollinators

    Published on February 16, 2021

    MI Ag Ideas to Grow With 2021 - Horticulture & Natural Resources Session: Beneficial insects and pollinators and native plants are adapted to Michigan. These insects ecosystem services that supports agriculture and gardening. Learn how to modify fence rows and gardens to attract beneficial insects and native pollinators.

  • Ag Careers

    Published on February 15, 2021

    MI Ag Ideas to Grow With 2021 - Youth Session: There is an expected average of nearly 58,000 job openings annually in agriculture, food and natural resources related careers. Hear about some of the non traditional ag related careers that youth may not think about.

  • Succession Planning Part 2: Why is Talking About Business Succession so Difficult?

    Published on February 15, 2021

    MI Ag Ideas to Grow With - Farm Business Management Session - Explore how to improve communication for all parties involved in the farm transition and how management functions within the business impact the succession plan for your farm.

  • Apprenticeship 101

    Published on February 15, 2021

    MI Ag Ideas to Grow With 2021 - Youth Session: Learn about Registered Apprenticeships as a career option and expand career awareness of occupations with high demand and high wage in Michigan.

  • Managing Your Woodlot

    Published on February 15, 2021

    MI Ag Ideas to Grow With 2021 - Horticulture & Natural Resources Session: This presentation will provide you the contacts and context necessary to make informed decisions about forest management on your property. More specifically, the presentation will cover the importance of hiring a consulting forester, how to find a consulting forester, points to consider when creating a contract for harvesting timber as well as basic forest management guidelines and techniques.

  • Updated Coronavirus Relief Programs for 2020/2021: What's in it for You?

    Published on February 15, 2021

    MI Ag Ideas to Grow With - Farm Business Management Session: The Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2021 increased access to coronavirus relief programs for farmers. This presentation will discuss how this legislation can benefit your farm and how you can take full advantage of its provisions.

  • Farm Labor: New MIOSHA Rules & Labor Recruitment Planning

    Published on February 15, 2021

    MI Ag Ideas to Grow With - Farm Business Management Session: Recruiting and retaining labor force often requires a strategic approach. In this session, explore how to begin building your labor recruitment plan. MIOSHA has also enacted new rules that will affect almost all areas of agriculture. Learn how those new rules may impact your farm and your labor recruitment efforts.

  • Professional Careers in the World of Agriculture

    Published on February 15, 2021

    MI Ag Ideas to Grow With 2021 - Youth Session: Careers in agriculture with various levels and types of post-secondary education. Certificates, associates and bachelor’s degrees leading to many different kinds of pathways in the industry of agriculture.

  • Tips and Tricks for Wintertime on the Horse Farm

    Published on February 15, 2021

    MI Ag Ideas to Grow With 2021 - Animal Agriculture Session: Learn about feeding and housing your horse through the winter. This presentation will include the topics of the importance of body condition scoring your horse, winter dehydration, managing hay supplies, as well as tips for housing your horse(s) throughout the sometimes-artic blast of wintertime.

  • Preparing to Work with your Lender

    Published on February 15, 2021

    MI Ag Ideas to Grow With - Farm Business Management Session: In this session, we’ll discuss how farmers can take ownership of the lending process, their financing, and their loan proposals. As better understanding, building of skills and confidence are achieved, producers will be able to form a relationship with their lenders that leads to long-term success of the farm business.

  • Succession Planning Part 1: Introduction to Business Succession

    Published on February 15, 2021

    MI Ag Ideas to Grow With - Farm Business Management Session: Learn about the basics of farm succession planning and how to begin building a transition plan. Discussions will include understanding the six goals of succession planning needed to help secure the future of your farm business.

  • Understanding your Farm's Financial Health

    Published on February 15, 2021

    MI Ag Ideas to Grow With - Farm Business Management Presentation: A discussion on finances often centers on achieving better production, marketing for higher prices or lowering expenses. But how do you know what improvements to make or market prices you need to be successful? In this session, learn how understanding the farm’s financial health can help you to successfully meet your farm goals.

  • Succession Planning Part 3: Examples of Specific Strategies to Transfer Ownership and Management to the Next Generation

    Published on February 15, 2021

    MI Ag Ideas to Grow With - Farm Business Management: Explore examples from different farm scenarios and begin to answer questions of “Who pays for what?” and “How does this actually work?”