Being active this spring
It is a great season to include more outdoor physical activity in your routine.
One of my favorite things in the springtime is taking my kids to sports practice and seeing kids of all ages participating in different sports. I see them on every single soccer field, baseball diamond and track that there is. Every night for the last two weeks, I have seen both kids and adults engaging in physical activity, whether it be riding bikes, pushing strollers or walking dogs. After a long winter in Michigan, we are finally able to get outside and enjoy the warmer weather and allow our bodies to benefit from more physical activity. Maybe you were unable to be active through the winter, and if so, you are not alone. But now that spring is here, here are a few tips to consider that will help you get moving. Michigan State University Extension reminds you that physical activity is a proven way to improve health.
Follow these tips to get moving this season:
- Determine what type(s) of physical activity you enjoy—walking, running, biking, swimming, aerobic/yoga group classes, stretching, tennis, etc. If you choose to do activities you enjoy, you are more likely to follow through and succeed. Finding a group of people that enjoy these same activities can motivate you to continue them as well.
- Try to schedule a block of time in your day for physical activity. Just like you would schedule other appointments or meetings, schedule your physical activity.
- Aim for at least 30 minutes of physical activity most days of the week and remember that the activity can be broken up into segments or done all at one time.
- Set achievable, realistic goals to begin your plan for more physical activity. Set a weekly goal and at the end of each week evaluate how you did before moving forward and setting the goal for week 2. If you are just beginning to be active after an inactive winter, maybe the goal for week 1 is to be active for 20 minutes, 3 days a week and then increase the amount of time and number of days per week, each week. Set small goals and celebrate your success.
So, join me and use the springtime weather in Michigan to get your body moving with increased physical activity.