Benefits of mangos for the body
Special substances in mangos may help with lowering blood sugar levels.
Mangos are considered to be the most widely consumed fruit in the world. Their sweet, juicy contents deliver a burst of flavor and nutrition and nutrient-dense contribution to a healthy diet. Mangos are available year-round and are an excellent source of vitamin C and vitamin A, both important antioxidant nutrients. Mangos contain a total of 20 different vitamins and minerals and are also a good source of dietary fiber.
When selecting mangos; choose a fruit that is firm and exhibits a sweet aroma. There should be no sap on the skin. They can be stored at room temperature for one to two days, and peeled mangos should be refrigerated. Mangos can be peeled with the meat cut-off around the pit, or the mango can be prepared without removing the skin. Place the mango on its side and cut one side off around the pit, then the other side off around the pit. The two leftover sides can then be cut-off. Cut a checkerboard pattern into the half of a mango, being careful not to cut through the skin. Each piece can then be scooped out with a spoon to enjoy.
Michigan State University Extension says that mangos contain a variety of phenolic compounds that provides various health benefits. They contain both small and large polyphenols for which the small polyphenols are readily absorbed into the bloodstream and the larger phenols are metabolized in the intestines. Polyphenols are cancer-fighting compounds derived from plant based foods. Researchers found that riper mangos generally possessed higher levels of phenols.
Mangos may also be effective in reducing fat accumulation and maintaining blood glucose concentrations. The hormone “leptin” has been shown to be positively affected by the mango. Leptin is produced in our fat cells and is an indicator of body fat content. Research discovered that mangos had an effect on lowering leptin, noting a decrease in body fat content.
It is not fully clear why mango pulp may be responsible for glucose lowering properties, but several possibilities have been noted, including the high fiber content in the mango, its effect on the pancreas causing the release of insulin and the possibility of suppressing the absorption of glucose from the small intestine. For more information on the health benefits regarding disease that mangos have read about the research on mangos from Oklahoma State University.