Dr. Marks Receives 2018 Withrow Teaching Excellence Award

Based on excellence in teaching and mentorship

Photo of Dr. Marks and Dr. Donahue

Photo of Dr. Marks Receiving Withrow Teaching Award

Photo of Dr. Marks Receiving Withrow Teaching Award

2018 Withrow Teaching Excellence Awards
Each year, students in the College of Engineering nominate faculty members for this prestigious honor, which is based on excellence in teaching and mentorship.

Bradley Marks, a professor and associate chair of the Department of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering, and a professor of Food Science and Human Nutrition, is a gifted educator who makes difficult concepts easy to comprehend and apply outside the classroom. His student evaluations are consistently among the highest on campus, with a mean overall rating of more than 3.9 (on a 4.0 scale) over 40 courses and 18 years at MSU.

Click Here to Read More on the 2018 Withrow Awards

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