Eco-Warriors Camp: Friday

Eco-Warriors Camp: Friday

Our Eco-Warriors ended the week with a field trip! It's not often that our campers leave Tollgate during the week, but we had the opportunity visit Woodland Meadows Landfill and the RRRASOC Materials Recovery Facility.

Once campers were loaded onto the bus, they were off for the entire day! Both facilities offered campers a chance to see what happens to our trash and what can be done with our recycling. Seeing such massive amounts of garbage helped us to better understand the importance of reducing when it comes to Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.

Shortly after returning to Tollgate, campers gathered in the pavilion for popsicles and our closing celebration. All of the groups stood together to perform their Recycling Rap. This was followed by a presentation from the Advanced Campers. They showed the remote control vehicles they've been working on and let some of the younger campers try them out!

Thanks for visiting with us this week. Have a wonderful summer!

For more pictures from the Eco-Warriors camp, follow the link:

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