Eisenberger named outstanding 4-H alumna
Gratiot County 4-H alumna Katie M. Eisenberger, of Shepherd, was among ten 4-H alumni inducted into the 2024 class of the Michigan 4-H Emerald Clover Society at a ceremony on Sept. 21.
Gratiot County 4-H alumna Katie M. Eisenberger, of Shepherd, is among ten 4-H alumni inducted into the 2024 class of the Michigan 4-H Emerald Clover Society. Eisenberger was recognized on Sept. 21 during the Michigan 4-H Legacy Awards Celebration hosted by Michigan State University Extension and the Michigan 4-H Foundation in East Lansing.
The Michigan 4-H Emerald Clover Society honors former Michigan 4-H members whose professional leadership and community service reflect the ultimate outcome of 4-H membership – extraordinary use of an individual’s head, heart, hands and health to make communities, the country and the world better places in which to live. This recognition is provided by Michigan 4-H Youth Development with support from the Michigan 4-H Foundation.
After growing up on a dairy farm and being extensively involved with FFA and 4-H in Gratiot County, it is no surprise that Eisenberger has spent a career working with students in agriculture. She spent seven years as a 4-H educator with MSU Extension and three years as a high school agriscience teacher before becoming the high school and collegiate programs specialist for Michigan Farm Bureau in 2018.
As the collegiate specialist, Eisenberger developed an agricultural careers conference for high school students, grew the collegiate Farm Bureau program, created a social media agvocacy program, and broadened the scope of MFB’s youth leadership development contest. Eisenberger’s leadership also led to enhanced relationships with MSU, including with its Institute of Agricultural Technology and with Michigan 4-H.
In April 2024, Eisenberger was named MFB’s Young Farmer manager. She works closely with the organization’s State Young Farmer Committee on programs, conferences, and awards. She also works alongside regional managers to help county Farm Bureau programs develop and strengthen their Young Farmer committees.
“In 4-H, I learned to try, evaluate my efforts, and try again with the information I learned,” said Eisenberger. “I could try without judgement or fear of being a failure because every experience wasn’t marked with a box of ‘succeeded’ or ‘failed,’ but rather ‘continuing to learn.’ It’s how I approach most everything now—jump in, figure it out, make alterations as you go, and keep trying.”
Outside of work, Eisenberger remains committed to youth development. For the past 11 years, she has been an Isabella County 4-H volunteer, starting the Maple Clovers 4-H Club when her oldest son was a Cloverbud, and later the Clover Valley 4-H Club. She also volunteers at youth sporting events, school activities, and community events, and is a trustee on the Shepherd School District Board of Education.
Eisenberger has served as chair of the development committee of the Hoofing it for Ag 5K at the Gratiot County Fair for Youth, as the county Farm Bureau’s Project RED (more formally, Rural Education Days) and promotion and education chair, and as the worship leader at her community church.
Eisenberger has a bachelor’s degree in journalism from MSU and a master’s degree from Central Michigan University in human development and family studies. She was honored in 2010 with MFB’s Young Farmer Excellence Award.

Also inducted into the 4-H Emerald Clover Society Class of 2024 were: Sarah A. Black, Eagle; Thomas L. Bosserd, Plymouth; Mary F. Draves, Midland; Maurice J. Kaercher, Kalamazoo; State Sen. Edward W. McBroom, Vulcan; former State Rep. Joel Sheltrown, West Branch; Nancy L. Victorson, Newberry; Shaun T. Wade, Norton Shores; and Dr. Dave D. Weatherspoon, East Lansing. Michigan 4-H Emerald Clover Society members are inducted every two years. The inaugural class of 62 members was inducted in 2002. For more information on the 4 H Emerald Clover Society and its members, visit www.mi4hfdtn.org/ecs.
Other honorees recognized at the 2024 Michigan 4-H Legacy Awards Celebration included partners receiving the Michigan 4-H Citation Award, volunteers awarded the Michigan 4-H Salute to Excellence Awards, volunteers awarded the Michigan Farm Bureau Excellence in Agriculture Awards, 50-year 4-H volunteers, winners of the MSU 4-H Scholarship, and retiring 4-H staff.