Graduate Student receives C.S. Mott Pre-doctoral Fellowship

Congratulations Ian Kropp!

Photo of Ian Kropp - Recipient of C.S. Mott Predoctoral Fellowship in Sustainable Agriculture

Photo of Ian Kropp - Recipient of C.S. Mott Predoctoral Fellowship in Sustainable Agriculture

Ian Kropp - Recipient of C.S. Mott Predoctoral Fellowship in Sustainable Agriculture

Ian was selected to receive a C.S. Mott Predoctoral Fellowship in Sustainable Agriculture. This is a three-year award beginning in January 2019 and will be renewed each year based on the recipient's progress toward their degree. This year the fellowship totals $11,500 with the total value for three years being $35,000 (distributed as 11,500 and 12,000 in Years Two and Three). Ian and Dr. Nejadhashemi, his advisor, also will be invited to a CSUS grad award reception in the spring of 2019 where he will receive a wall plaque in recognition of this award.

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