Green Science Adventure Camp: Tuesday

Green Science Adventure Camp: Tuesday

Welcome back! Campers were hoping for a beautiful second day of camp and that's what we had!

In order to keep with our green theme this week, both the morning and afternoon recipes in Garden Kitchen included kale. This was an ingredient that many campers were surprised to find that they enjoyed! It was used to make Kale Chips and Green Smoothies. The recipes and pictures are included below:

Kale Chips

  • 1 bunch curly kale stemmed and  torn into 2-inch pieces
  • 2 teaspoons lemon zest 
  • 1/2 teaspoon granulated garlic powder
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil 
  • Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper

Directions: Preheat the oven to 350 °F and place a rack in the center of the oven. Use a salad spinner to remove moisture from kale. Place the kale on a sheet pan in an even layer. Sprinkle the lemon zest and granulated garlic over the kale. Drizzle the oil over the top and sprinkle salt and pepper to taste. Bake until crisp, about 20 minutes.

Green smoothie

  • 1 cup rice milk
  • 2 cups packed fresh spinach
  • 1 large banana
  • ½ cup frozen mixed berries

Directions: Mix ingredients and blend until smooth.

Pepper groupes made their way to the woods to work on their sustainable farms as well as explore our different environments during a hike. This group made use of different leaves, rocks, wood chips, dirt and more to represent their farm space. Hikers put their tracking skills to the test as they worked on collecting footprint samples from different woodland animals. They even stumbled across what looked to be a decomposing raccoon!

It seemed like the fish were a bit sleepy this morning but once they got moving our campers made some great catches! Fishing is proving to be a favorite activity among many of the campers.

Campers learned that composting plays an important role in sustainable farming and being "green". They saw first-hand how worms can play a part in composting. The Yellow Peppers got their hands dirty as they took turns holding and examining the worms.

Peppers found out that it's important to pay attention to the type of dirt and soil on their farm since water can erode it and move it away. Miss Lizzie demonstrated how some soil erodes less than others in the Slipping Soil activity. This Pepper group had so many great ideas about how some soils absorb water differently and noticed the way that the water went "straight through the rock pile." Her Peppers thought the soil that eroded the least would be best for farming!

Orange Peppers began work on their Newspaper Pots. They used recycled materials to make crafty flower pots that will be sent home with seeds this week!

Each Pepper group took a turn going on a scavenger hunt in the garden. Their goal was to find out if plants were getting enough space, sunlight, water and nutrients. When they were done, they helped plant a pizza garden! The groups were assigned different jobs and were given various "pizza" plants to put in the soil. They planted things like peppers, basil, tomatoes and parsley.

"I think it has enough water because the leaves aren't dried out."

This was an idea that a Purple Pepper shared about how she knew a plant was getting enough water.

When Pepper Groups finish up an activity early or have a few minutes before their next station, they fill the time with a few of their favorite games and catching up with pals in other groups!

REMINDER: On Friday, there will be a Camp Closing Celebration! Parents and families are invited to join us at 3:15pm. We hope to see you there!

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