Greetings From the Tollgate Farm Manager

Greetings From the Tollgate Farm Manager

Greetings All,
March is maple syrup season! The 2019 Tollgate maple syrup season officially got underway Saturday, February 23rd with a very successful tree tapping extravaganza! Many eager volunteers came to Tollgate to assist in this activity day. We tapped about 50 trees, all connected to tubing.

For the first two weeks of March, cold weather has severely limited sap flow. According to the weather app., we are on the cusp of greatly improved sapping conditions. Fingers crossed, we are hoping for our usual annual average of 100 gallons. Time will tell whether the vagaries of nature will allow this.

Many groups have visited the Tollgate sugar bush this season. Lots and lots of field trips visit! Tollgate maple volunteers have done a wonderful job helping the kids learn about the magic of the maple season.

Maple volunteers also played a major role in the recent Tollgate Maple Feast. Registrants to the Feast got a hay ride to the woods, saw how trees were tapped, viewed the evaporator and got a yummy pancake and syrup meal. Thanks to the Tollgate maple volunteers for helping to make the 2019 maple season a success for all of our visitors!

Winter is beginning to lose its grip and there are many signs of spring around the farm. Bluebirds, piliated woodpeckers and even a bald eagle have all been seen around the farm. Not wanting to be left behind, Tollgate’s plants are showing signs of life. The daffodils are emerging, buds are swelling, and garden volunteer days are upon us.

Check the Tollgate volunteer calendar and plan to join us in the gardens. You can view the calendar online here. We have had a few warm days and the gardening season is in sight! See you soon around the farm.
-Roy Prentice

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