GSAG Seminar Series

Flow and Transportation in Porous Media: Applications in Agriculture, Environment, and Energy

WHEN: Thursday Feb. 22 12:00-1:00 pm

WHERE: Room 208 Farrall Hall

SPEAKER: Dr. Christophe Darnault

- Assistant Professor at the Department of Environment Engineering and Earth Sciences at Clemson

- University Associate Editor for Frontiers in Environmental Science'soil Processes

- Associate Editor for the Journal of Hydrology

ABSTRACT: Understanding flow and contaminants transport processes in porous media is critical for the mitigation of their impacts, the development of effective remediation procedures, the exploitation and management of subsurface resources --aquifer systems and petroleum reservoirs, and the protection of the environment and public health. The results of our research will contribute to the development and validation of flow, fate, and transport models of contaminants from pore scale to watershed scale for

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