I.T. News for January 29, 2024

This weeks I.T. News for January 29, 2024

Course Design Classes Offered

In February there are several hybrid and virtual sessions that take a deep dive into course design and educational technology tools like D2L Brightspace, Kaltura MediaSpace, and iClicker, including how to leverage accessibility considerations and other technology-informed teaching strategies. Visit the article on tech.msu.edu for more information and links to register. 

Meijers MPerks Thefts

Meijers lost over $1 Million after it was revealed a Grand Haven man used credentials from previous data breaches to steal mPerks user points and sell them online.   The man used the credentials from the other data breaches that he cross referenced and attempted access on the mPerks site.   This is why users are cautioned never to use the same passwords across more than one site.   More details here.   Users can contact Meijers about any lost mPerks points.

SAS Licenses

In the next couple of weeks we expect the new SAS license will become available.   Shortly after we ascertain the prices for the licenses, we will be sending out a survey to determine how many licenses to order for each lab.  

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