I.T. News for May 20 2024

I.T. News for May 20 2024

Microsoft Security Patches to be applied to department windows computers, lab managers are encouraged to check for updates on computers that run important lab equipment. 

Microsoft’s Patch Tuesday occurs on the Second Tuesday of the Month. During which the company releases security and bug updates for the Windows Operating Systems and other applications. On May 14 they Released updates to address 61 flaws and 3 zero day vulnerabilities. The updates to address these bugs and vulnerabilities have been made available for Department Managed computers. Users can also check for these updates by using the software center and looking for Operating System updates. 

Most windows computers in the department are set for automatic update installation and manual reboot, this sequence was initiated on May 16. If presented with a screen requesting the install of these updates or a reboot, users are encouraged to not postpone it, so that the updates can complete and eliminate the vulnerabilities. This is increasingly important for labs that use windows computers to run their important lab equipment to ensure the continued reliability of these important computers.

Google Chrome Vulnerabilities

On Wednesday, May 15, Google released an update to the Chrome Browser. The #125 update addresses nine security issues, including yet another zero-day vulnerability in the browser, the third in just one week. Users are encouraged to check the status of their chrome browser. In Chrome go to help about chrome and check for updates manually. 

Google Drive Use at MSU

The university will soon start taking measures to limit labs and faculty members use of and reliance upon Google drive. PSM department I.T. will will be available to assist members of the department in migrating their data to OneDrive, teams/SharePoint and/or elastic storage. Communications concerning this effort will be going out soon.

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