Long-standing partnership makes training possible for the region’s tribal, state, and local fish producers

Great Lakes fishers process safe seafood products with Seafood HACCP training.

Four participants are gathered around a table reviewing paperwork and one is writing on a large paper tablet as they review a case study in their training class. Photo: Laurie White, GLIFWC
Participants work together on a Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point plan case study during the Brimley, Mich., training. Photo: Laurie White, GLIFWC

Food safety is always an important concern for any consumer. Commercial fish producers, including those in the Great Lakes region, who make fish products are required by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration take a federal food safety training called Seafood Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP). This training requires seafood processors to do a careful examination of their entire production process and then anticipate potential problems in their production, identify the sources of hazards, and take corrective action to eliminate or reduce any risks. The goal of a Seafood HACCP plan is to ensure the safety of seafood products throughout the supply chain for the safety of the consumer.

Great Lakes Indian Fish and Wildlife Commission’s (GLIFWC) has partnered for more than 25 years with Michigan State University Extension and Michigan Sea Grant to develop and offer training programs for the region’s tribal, state, and local fish producers. That partnership continues today with MSU’s Lauren Jescovitch and Laura White, GLIFWC’s Traditional Foods Grant Project manager who offered two HACCP trainings in late 2022. Thirty participants attended the in-person trainings. Of these, six of the eleven GLIFWC member tribes were represented as well as Oneida Nation, Grand Traverse Band, Little River Band, and Indian Health Services.

Michigan Sea Grant helps to foster economic growth and protect Michigan’s coastal, Great Lakes resources through education, research and outreach. A collaborative effort of the University of Michigan and Michigan State University and its MSU Extension, Michigan Sea Grant is part of the NOAA-National Sea Grant network of 34 university-based programs.

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