MDARD in-person core review, testing and RUP credits offered at the Saginaw Valley Research and Extension Center on April 1, 2025
Participants will review the core manual and take the core pesticide applicator test on April 1, 2025. Private and commercial core; fumigation and aerial standard tests will be available from MDARD.
The Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (MDARD), in conjunction with Michigan State University Extension, will be offering in-person pesticide applicator testing and core review on April 1, 2025, at the Saginaw Valley Research and Extension Center, 3775 S Reese Rd., Frankenmuth, Michigan. You can register online Event Summary for 2025 Pesticide Applicator Core Review and MDARD Core Testing | ANR Events Management System or contact Melissa Burns at the Lenawee County MSU Extension office, 517-264-5315, or Laura Miller at the Hillsdale County MSU Extension office, 517-439-9301 for registration help. We recommend participants read and study the Core Manual before attending the review. Core Manual copies may be ordered from: and MSU Extension County offices.
Test day
Registration starts at 8 a.m. on April 1, 2025, with review class beginning promptly at 8:30 a.m. Participants are encouraged to register online prior to the event for facility set-up and meal reservations. Walk-ins will be acceptable until room capacity of the room is met. If registering online, participants will be able to pay with a credit card. Walk-ins must pay with exact cash or check payable to Michigan State University.
Local MSU Extension educators Teresa Crook and Saltanat Mambetova will lead the mandatory four-hour review from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The review covers all the chapters in the National Pesticide Applicators Certification Core Manual. A light lunch will be provided after the review. MDARD will start testing at approximately 1 p.m.
New in 2025
Four RUP recertification credits are now available at Core Review Sessions Winter 2024 - Spring 2025. When registering, you need to indicate if you want credits. Four RUP credits for the private or commercial core are allowed at these sessions.
There are two separate fees for the mandatory core review and the applicator testing. The cost of the review is $25, and payment can be made online at registration, with exact cash on the day of the event, or by check payable to Michigan State University.
The fee for applicator testing varies by certification and is not collected on the day of the testing, but mailed to MDARD after your Core test is passed. The private applicator certification fee is $50, the commercial applicator certification fee is $75, and the registered applicator certification fee is $45. Only checks payable to the State of Michigan are acceptable payments. Postage paid envelopes will be provided to send certification payment to MDARD at the event. Cash or credit card payments are not accepted. Private applicator fees can be waived for Military Veterans if a copy of their DD214 is provided.
Registration link: Event Summary for 2025 Pesticide Applicator Core Review and MDARD Core Testing | ANR Events Management System
Contact information
Teresa Crook 989.652.3552
Saltanat Mambetova 517.230.1427