November 17th Bailey Community Council Minutes

On November 17th, Bailey Co-Directors Sammi Trepeck and Madi Pellman held their third Bailey Council Community Meeting.

Bailey Scholars Community Council Meeting

November 17th

Student leaders: Sammi and Madi

Attendees: Osten, Abrar, Kennedy, Angelica, Kaitlyn

Icebreaker: Name, Grade, major, how is your day going on a 4.2 scale

Class Updates and Requests


  • ANR 210- Sara and Erik
    • Theme is passion included:
      • Learning about pet peeves
      • Fears
      • Oreos
      • Reading sheet music
      • Practicing for core course share night Sunday
  • ANR 210-Dustins
    • Request for $250.00 for university van (Approved)
    • Travel to farmers market needs, culture, mental health
  • ANR 310
    • Requesting funding for food
    • (Needs an emergency meeting)
    • Learning about
      • Internet
      • Played soccer
      • Conspiracy theories

Upcoming things in Bailey

  • Core Course Share night Monday November 22nd
  • Snacks for success December 13-17th
  • Coat drive ongoing between now and the end of the semester

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