October 30th Bailey Community Council Meeting Minutes

Minutes from the Bailey Community Council Meeting led by Bailey Co-Directors Casey Frump and Will King on October 30, 2023.

Bailey Scholars Program



  1. Introduction -> Icebreaker 
  2. Conversation on graduate and faculty fellows returning consecutively.
    1. Curious to hear scholars' opinions (not voting today). 
    2. 2 years, to allow for one year to get your bearings, and one year to mentor new fellows.
    3. Also a concern of moving away from bonding with your fellows, as limiting to one year might disbar that. Harlow and Salo were brought up as great pictures of community. 
    4. 3 years as a sweet spot, to allow for cycling but bonding. Harry brought up the great point that we aren’t kicking these people out, they just can’t be fellows anymore. Nobody says that they need to leave. 
  3. Class Update:
    1. ANR 210 
      1. Teaching how to skateboard, no money
      2. y requests, 
        1. 51 for crocheting stuff - PASSED
        2. 100 for Tattoo field trips - PASSED
    2. ANR 210
      1. Played tennis and pickleball, made terrariums, Short films class, 
    3. ANR 310
      1. Food and family, how they are linked, food sourcing. Crushing it!
        1. 52 dollars for food reimbursements - need to talk to Dustin because we technically can’t reimburse students…. (UPDATE NEEDED) 
  4. BRAINSTORM: BSP Events for next semester??? 
    1. Service: 
    2. Community: 
      1. Bob Ross event: Follow a bob ross video as a group, then walk around and check out all the paintings made by the scholars. With snacks and goodies.
      2. Bailey Gallery: Encourage the scholars to bring something they find artistic. We make a gallery out of the submissions and do a Bailey viewing. 
      3. Powerpoint Night: Make a bunch of highly specific, funny powerpoints and present them to each other. 

{{{{{{{{Unrelated, but we should totally put a little library in the BSP}}}}}}}}}}}}

  1. UPCOMING: Make sure to follow @baileyscholars on Instagram 
    1. Community Lunch: Tuesday, October 31st at 11:30 am 
      1. SOUP DAY 
    2. ELECTION DAY: Tuesday, November 7th
      1. In MI you can register to vote up to the day of voting 
    3. Community Breakfast: Thursday, November 9th from 9:00 to 11:00am 
      1. Hosted by ANR 210 
    4. Ag Olympics: Thursday, November 9th from 7:30 to 9:30pm 
      1. Located at the MSU Pavilion 

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