Senior Design experience prepares MSU biosystems engineers for careers after graduation

Michigan State University's biosystems engineering program collaborates with industry partners to provide real-world opportunities for students.

By the time students in the Michigan State University (MSU) Department of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering (BAE) reach their senior year, they will have accumulated an array of knowledge and skills about how their work can be used to improve quality of life in the fields of food, energy, environment and health.

Senior Design a two-semester experience that takes place over the course of an entire academic year helps prepare biosystems engineering students for life after graduation. It consists of two required classes: Biosystems Design Techniques (BE 485) in the fall, and Biosystems Design Project (BE 487) in the spring.

In Senior Design, students work with industry sponsors and clients to deliver an engineering design that solves a real-world problem, said Bradley Marks, BAE chair. This is something way more than a homework assignment or a final class project. It's the most significant pre-professional engineering experience in our curriculum.

Website: College of Agriculture and Natural Resources

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