2025 Southeast Michigan Vegetable Grower Winter Meeting to be held February 12

Whether you’re a large or small vegetable farm, conventional or organic, growers of all types can find value with this year’s educational agenda.

Decorative image.
Presentation topics will cover issues related to many different vegetable crops at various scales of operation. Photos by: Top left - Ohio State University Extension; bottom right - Modern Farmer; all others - Chris Galbraith, MSU/OSU Extension.

Enhance your knowledge of vegetable production and pest management by attending the upcoming 2025 Southeast Michigan Vegetable Grower Winter Meeting on Feb. 12. This program will provide opportunities to learn from and engage with Michigan State University Extension specialists and educators on important issues facing the vegetable industry today. The educational sessions include topics on crop protection against vegetable pests (insects, diseases, weeds), enhancing soil fertility and nutrient applications, safeguarding water quality and more. Everyone can learn something from this diverse educational offering to help equip you with the knowledge and connections to improve vegetable production on your farm.

The program will feature presentations from various extension and academic speakers with different areas of expertise in the vegetable industry. Chris Galbraith, vegetable educator with Michigan State University (MSU) Extension/Ohio State University Extension, will talk about weed control in sweet corn and pumpkins. Michelle Selzer, Western Lake Erie Basin strategist with the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (MDARD), will discuss how improved agricultural management can help conserve water quality. Keith Mason, Enviroweather coordinator at MSU, will talk about getting the most out of the Enviroweather website and the pest development models. Zach Rutledge, assistant professor at MSU, will talk about farm labor issues in the vegetable industry. Mary Hausbeck, distinguished professor and MSU Extension specialist, will talk about managing damping-off pathogens, brassica diseases and powdery mildew. Chris Bardenhagen, farm business management educator with MSU Extension, will share the results of the new cabbage cost of production study. Zachary Hayden, MSU assistant professor and Extension specialist, will talk about soil and nutrient management.

Greg Bird, director of the Michigan Vegetable Council, will also be present to talk about the organization, and Joseph Smith, produce safety specialist with MDARD, will give a produce safety update.

The program will run from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. with check-in beginning at 8:30 a.m. The event is free to attend and will include a catered lunch. The event will take place at The Hive at Macon Creek, 8759 Clinton Macon Rd, Clinton, MI 49236.

Registering online prior to the event is required to ensure there is room. Visit the 2025 Southeast Michigan Vegetable Grower Winter Meeting registration page to register and to download a flyer.

The event will count towards three restricted use pesticide (RUP) credits (Private Core, 1A, 1B) and six certified crop adviser (CCA) credits. Vegetable growers won’t want to miss this opportunity to learn from and connect with fellow growers, Extension staff and other individuals working within the vegetable industry.

Please reach out to Chris Galbraith at galbra53@msu.edu or 734-240-3178 with any questions.

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