Southwest Michigan field crop report
A wet and cold spring has crop growth slowing down and producers feeling the pressure of the continuing wet conditions
Weather – wet and cold spring continues
Current normal accumulations of Base 42 GDD’s would be 9.8 this week, 12 next week. The normal accumulations of Base 50 GDD’s (warm season plants) would be 5.2 this week and 6.6 next week. We can use the “normal GDD’s per day” values to estimate the number of days it would take to catch back up to the 30-year average. In the case of Base 50 GDD’s in the Kalamazoo area, we are approximately at 68 GDD’s, about five to six day’s average days behind normal since March 1.
OR AS OF 04/21 BY BY AS OF 04/21 BY BY
DISTRICT 2010 2011 04/26 05/01 2010 2011 04/26 05/01
S.W. LP NORMS 221 270 330 98 124 157
ALLEGAN 405 165 192 257 195 67 75 105
BHARBOR 399 178 207 277 201 74 83 116
FENNVILLE 372 142 165 221 177 60 68 94
GRANDJUNC 437 184 214 286 226 80 90 125
GULLLAKE 485 156 181 243 258 63 71 98
HOLLAND 422 196 228 305 205 82 92 128
HUDSNVLLE 405 136 158 212 195 56 63 88
KALAMAZOO 438 186 216 289 220 68 77 106
NILES 418 190 221 296 208 76 86 119
SOUTHBEND 451 223 259 347 224 92 104 144
WATERVLIET 405 165 192 257 195 67 75 105
WESTOLIVE 377 127 148 198 176 49 55 77
S. CENT. LP NORMS 210 260 320 95 121 154
BCREEK 438 171 204 282 224 73 84 123
COLDWATER 400 156 186 258 201 66 76 111
THREERIVER 389 161 192 266 198 65 75 110
Precipitation summary
The area has received somewhat heavier than normal precipitation levels over the last couple of weeks, particularly in the southern portion of the region, which is about 0.5 to 1.5 inches above normal for the month of April. With almost the entire area receiving at least 1.5 inches of precipitation last week, field operations are now at a complete standstill.
04/15/2011 04/08/2011 03/25/2011 04/01/11
(last week) (last 2 weeks) (last 4 weeks) (since Apr.1)
STATION DIST Actual Actual Dev. Actual Dev. Actual Dev.
Norm. Norm. Norm.
ALLEGAN SWL 1.77 2.38 1.02 2.96 0.18 2.96 0.80
ALLENDALE SWL 1.50 1.57 0.21 2.62 -0.16 2.62 0.46
BHARBOR SWL 1.95 3.13 1.77 3.42 0.64 3.42 1.26
FENNVILLE SWL 1.69 2.15 0.79 2.67 -0.11 2.67 0.51
GRANDJUNC SWL 1.69 2.30 0.94 2.77 -0.01 2.77 0.61
HOLLAND SWL 1.28 1.40 0.04 2.56 -0.22 2.56 0.40
NILES SWL 2.10 2.78 1.42 3.90 1.12 3.84 1.68
SOUTHBEND SWL 1.96 2.62 1.26 3.66 0.88 3.66 1.50
WATERVLIET SWL 1.77 2.38 1.02 2.96 0.18 2.96 0.80
WESTOLIVE SWL 1.52 1.63 0.27 2.49 -0.29 2.49 0.33
CERESCO SCL 1.50 2.64 1.41 3.15 0.58 3.15 1.12
COLDWATER SCL 1.25 2.59 1.36 2.98 0.41 2.88 0.85
THREERIVER SCL 1.89 2.71 1.48 3.55 0.98 3.55 1.52
Field conditions range from wet to standing water across most of the region. With another week of wet weather expected, field operations have been slow to get started in southwest Michigan. Soil temperatures are ranging from the 50’s and lower 60’s to the 40’s at night. You can check the soil temperatures in your area on the web at Enviroweather weather stations, and then by clicking on the Advanced weather tab along the top of the page.
The 6 to 10 day outlook shows the southwest region to be in the above normal precipitation zone, with some moderation to near normal in the 8 to 14 day outlook.
Alfalfa growth has remained slow with crop heights in the 2 to 4 inch range. So far there have been no signs of first instar alfalfa weevil feeding. Competitive annual weed growth has been slow to start as well.
Wheat has also continued to be growing slowly. Winter annual weed growth has picked up a tick in the fields, and should be watched for competition in the next couple of weeks. The Purdue entomologists report that armyworm moth catches have been high in Kentucky and southern Indiana. The wet weather we are currently experiencing has significant potential to carry moths from this area up into southern Michigan.
Corn and soybean producers are beginning to feel the pressure of the continuing wet conditions and are looking to get some corn into the ground. Conditions are too wet to allow for field work, and are likely to stay that way for the rest of the week. Winter annual weeds continue to grow. Black cutworm moths are moving up through Indiana, with intensive moth catches reported as far north as Fort Wayne. The southerly winds are likely to carry black cutworm moths up into our area soon. After an intensive moth catch, eggs begin to hatch around 90 GDD’s with early instar leaf feeding occurring until around the 300 GDD mark. Scouting should begin as we approach 300 GDD’s Base 50 for larvae and clipping damage to corn or soybeans. Fields that have heavy winter annual weed growth are the most likely to have black cutworm egg deposition. Consider applying a burn-down herbicide program or light tillage if the winter annual weeds are likely to get too far ahead of the tillage and planting operations. There have been some concerns about switching to shorter day maturity corn in the far southern portions of the state if the wet conditions continue.
Christy Sprague has developed a Palmer Amaranth Identification and Glyphosate Resistant Palmer Amaranth Control Guideon-line at the MSU Weeds web site. for growers in St. Joseph County to use, and for other growers in the area to review. She is recommending that growers consider using a pre-emergence weed control program followed by a post emergent program in corn and soybeans if you think that you have the weed species. MSU weed control educators would be interested in tracking pigweed species that are not readily controlled with applications of glyphosate in southwest Michigan this summer. Don’t forget, the MSU Weed Control Guide is available.
The insect was found in Elkhart, Indiana, and in Berrien and Eaton counties in southern Michigan last fall. Chris does not believe that the pest will become a problem in field crops right away in Michigan, but announced in a recent “Fonz Facts” e-mail that Colbalt, Lorsban (any crops on the label) and Acephate (soybeans and drybeans) have 2ee Labels for BMSB control in Michigan.