Sustainable Agriculture Team Update August 2020

Sustainable Agriculture Team Update August 2020

Education is what we do here at MSU Tollgate! COVID-19 has thrown a wrench in the plans, but we're still doing what we can to connect with folks!

CSA members receive an inside look at the farm with a week by week description of production.

Gwen Schaller runs Root to Rise farm and incubates here, which means she leases land and equipment from us to run her own operation. Land and large upfront capital costs are typically the biggest barriers to farming, so by incubating Gwen can sharpen her skills and test her business without making massive financial investments.

We started the Mornings on the Farm program to share our experience on the farm with gardeners and give them a hands on opportunity to try tools and techniques. COVID-19 made that tricky, and we moved the program to an online format that shoots video live from the field.

Will Jaquinde also edits the Michigan Small Farm Newsletter, which is a forum to connect small farmers throughout the state by giving them a venue to talk about what's happening on the farm. If you are interested in signing up for newsletter, you can find more information here.

There are lots of other initiatives like donating produce, working with our youth programs and more that we are still engaged with. We're always thinking up new ways to positively impact eaters and producers, so if you have any ideas we'd love to hear them!

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