Tollgate Farm 4-H Club is Making Preparations for the County Fair!

Tollgate Farm 4-H Club is Making Preparations for the County Fair!

The members of Tollgate Farm 4-H Club are preparing animal projects for the Oakland County Fair, July 5th - July 14th. Come to the fair Weds. 7/10/19 9AM to see Goat Showmanship or at 6PM to see Sheep Showmanship. Some youth are working hard on Market Animal projects. These projects are especially challenging since they involve auctioning the animal at the fair. Why do they do it? Check out out members and their animals at our website.

Please consider supporting these hard working youth by heading up to the Oakland County Fair and bidding on their animals.  

Large animal auction: Oakland County Fair, Saturday  July 13th, 6:30 PM Small animal auction: Oakland County Fair, Friday July 12th 6:30 PM 

For more information about the auction process see the links below:

Large Animal Auction

Small Animal Auction


Email us and we can provide more details about the projects or information on the auction.

Tollgate Farm 4-H Club remains open to new members ages 5 - 19. For more information visit our website, facebook page, or send us an email


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