Volunteer Process During Covid-19

Volunteer Process During Covid-19

Interested in volunteering at Tollgate? Tollgate welcomes volunteers in various roles including gardening, education, computer work, sustainable agriculture, and so much more! Volunteers must first complete our Volunteer Selection Process at https://msu.samaritan.com/custom/502/#/volunteer_home

Make sure you have the following information correct when you apply:

  • Volunteer type: GOLD 
  • Program area: Agriculture and Agribusiness
  • Specific Event: Tollgate

Once you have entered all your required information into the MSU Volunteer Central System an MSU Tollgate staff member will reach out to you about completing a brief interview. Interviews will be conducted by one of the following staff members; Roy Prentice, Ellen Koehler, Carmen Hamilton, or Mike Mathis. After the interview you will be asked to confirm with Roy Prentice or Ellen Koehler your intent to work on an approved Extension Master Gardener project or Non-Extension Master Gardener project. MSU Tollgate Farm staff will provide you with written permission to visit the farm. You will also be asked to sign a Safety Guidelines form and return this to our staff. For questions please contact Carmen Hamilton at hamil466@msu.edu.

We appreciate your willingness to volunteer at MSU Tollgate Farm and thank you for beginning this new process of volunteer selection. Volunteers are the most essential partners we have in MSU Extension and they create life-changing experiences and provide millions of dollars in added value in our communities.

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