Walkable communities: Trenton, Michigan to undergo walkability audit to improve community access
Internationally recognized walkability expert, Dan Burden, is coming to Trenton, Michigan to assess its walkability in support of becoming a more healthy and accessible community.
Michigan Sea Grant is working with Michigan Department of Transportation, Downriver Linked Greenways and other partners to bring internationally recognized pedestrian and biking expert, Dan Burden, to Trenton, Michigan on Thursday August 16, 2012 for a walkability audit. The walkability audit will assess walking conditions of two Trenton locations and conclude with a design improvement recommendations session later that evening.
Mr. Burden is also a founder of the Walkable and Livable Communities Institute. The Institute’s vision is to create healthy, connected communities that support active living and that advance opportunities for all people through walkable streets, livable cities and better built environments. The Institute’s mission is to inspire, teach, connect and support communities in their efforts to improve health and well-being through better-built environments.
- We inspire by helping communities envision a better future, by sharing examples and success stories and by displaying a personal commitment to the movement.
- We teach the benefits of walkability and livability, best practices in designing for active transportation and strategies for successful civic engagement and implementation.
- We connect community members and leaders to important resources, engage them in the process, and help them communicate with each other.
- We support with ongoing guidance, educational materials and by celebrating successes widely.
According to the Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center, a walkability audit is an unbiased examination/evaluation of the walking environment. The general purpose of an audit is to identify concerns for pedestrians related to the safety, access, comfort, and convenience of the walking environment. In addition to identifying problem areas, an audit can be used to identify potential alternatives or solutions (such as engineering treatments, policy changes, or education and enforcement measures).
Thanks to support from the Michigan Department of Transportation, there is no fee for participating in this event, but your RSVPis appreciated by August 8, 2012. For more information, please contact Mary Bohling at 313-410-9431.