Write a thank-you note after camp
Youth and parents can share the excitement of camp by writing a thank-you note.
As youth complete camp, hopefully they’re excited about their experience. Having fun, participating in activities, going on adventures, meeting new friends, learning new skills and gaining knowledge are reasons that contribute to the excitement of participating in camp. Youth have opportunities to build on their experience after the camp is over by participating service learning activities or a pre-college program, or preparing for a future career. Michigan State University Extension has another activity youth can participate in after they finish camp. Youth can write a thank-you note.
Thank-you notes can be a benefit to camp staff and administrators. Saying thank-you can continue to encourage them in the work they’re doing for youth. MSU Extension provides a resource for writing thank-you notes and it gives the why, when and how to write a thank-you note.
The information youth provide in a thank-you note can be used by the camp to share with the public to promote to other parents and youth as they recruit or market their programs. Here are some things youth participants can put in their thank-you notes:
- Knowledge gained. (Did you learn something new? If so state what was learned.)
- New skills that were learned.
- Positive changes in behavior. (What positives changes were made as a result of camp participation?)
- The positive impact of meeting new friends.
- The positive impact the staff or counselors made.
Another item to add in the thank-you note is a picture that was taken at camp that has a significant meaning to the youth. If a picture is sent, have the youth write about the significance/importance of the picture. This can also encourage the staff as a token of appreciation.
Parents can also send thank-you letter to the camp. Letters from parents can be general and they can write about their observations about their child and how they have noticed a positive impact in their child as a result of camp participation.
For youth, writing a thank-you note can build life skills and assist them in writing and communication. The practice of showing gratitude can be used in their personal life and even their career before they get a job and during their time working on a job. Saying thank-you is polite and exhibits great character for all people.