You are a role model
What you do and how you act can have a large impact on others.
You may not realize it, but what you do is being noticed by your children and the people around you. According to Michigan State University Extension, you are the most important influence on your children and can also be a big influence on the adults around you. You can do things that will not only send healthy messages to your children, but may also be inspiring to the people in your life. Healthy eating and physical activity are contagious when others are doing it. Below are some good tips to consider keeping yourself on track towards a healthy lifestyle as well as creating a positive influence on others.
- Be a positive example – Eat a variety of fruits, vegetables and whole grains with meals and as snacks.
- Do not reward with food – Hug and kiss your children and if you are meeting with a friend, choose to participate in some form of physical activity like a walk instead of a piece of cheesecake.
- Focus on each other – Mealtimes should be relaxing and stress free which includes taking phone calls later, avoiding the television and trying to eat slowly if possible.
- Encourage physical activity – Make it fun. If you cannot get 30 minutes of activity in at one time, break it into 10 minute increments. And make sure that the activity increases your heart rate. Keep safe.
Making healthy choices in your life can be influential for others and beneficial for you by decreasing your chances for chronic illnesses such as diabetes, heart disease and stroke. Make healthy eating and physical activity a part of your everyday life and include your children and others in your life. You can be a good influence on those around you. Michigan State University Extension has a variety of additional information on healthy lifestyles.