• Measuring change in a community with aerial images

    Published on December 31, 2013
    Utilizing aerial images to measure change in a community can provide a quality, accurate analysis of complex problems while providing strong visual support to assist decision-makers and inform the public.

  • Work through difficult decision-making with compromise

    Published on December 31, 2013
    Compromise can be vital to success, especially when conflict has rendered efforts stagnant. While agreeing to a compromise can take some time and effort and may be difficult to accept, doing so often is the only viable path to success.

  • Two tips for successful grant writing

    Published on December 31, 2013
    When it comes to writing grants there are a plethora of ideas, techniques and styles that can help you write a winning grant. However, there are two key elements of grant writing common in today’s most successful grant requests that funders often look for.

  • Ethics for community planning

    Published on December 31, 2013
    Ethics goes beyond doing what is legally right and addresses proper behavior and expectations for those tasked with the responsibility of planning communities in their roles as public officials representing the public good.

  • Making the most of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in your community

    Published on December 31, 2013
    A quality municipal GIS system provides substantial benefits to a community beyond parcel mapping. GIS can provide comprehensive services to a variety of departments, dramatically increasing efficiency and reducing costs.

  • Getting a resolution of support passed in your community

    Published on December 31, 2013
    Many individuals, groups and organizations would like to obtain a resolution of support from their municipality supporting their project, program or effort. However, the process to achieve this goal can often seem like a daunting and overwhelming task.

  • What is the status of my zoning board of appeals?

    Published on December 31, 2013
    For many rural townships in Michigan, the Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) may see sparse and irregular action, often with a year or more between meetings.

  • Welcome to the board of directors!

    Published on December 30, 2013
    Effective organizations provide a board handbook to every board member for a comprehensive overview of its current state of affairs as well as historical information.

  • The MSU Native American Business Institute

    Published on December 30, 2013
    Assisting Native youth explore their potential in the field of business!

  • The newly-established White House Council on Native American Affairs

    Published on December 30, 2013
    What is the Council’s role and function?