• Disentangling the origins of species

    Published on January 1, 2019
    Discovering the identities of those species could open the next chapter in fruit breeding, and it’s a challenge that MSU AgBioResearch plant breeder Patrick Edger and his team aim to unravel.

  • Public understanding of food matters

    Published on January 1, 2019
    In 2017, MSU introduced a new initiative called Food@MSU that is designed to bring people together to discuss critical food topics that shape the way we eat and live – from food access to food waste.

  • Bringing collective intelligence research into the 21st century

    Published on January 1, 2019
    Steven Gray is taking these core concepts into the 21st century in an effort to address some of the most challenging issues facing the world, including climate change, resource management and coastal hazard planning.

  • Finding ways to use natural plant adaptations to feed the world

    Published on January 1, 2019
    Robert VanBuren, an assistant professor in the MSU Department of Horticulture, explores how the mechanisms and characteristics that help plants be resilient to drought could lead to new advances in agriculture.

  • Using technology to improve agriculture

    Published on January 1, 2019
    Stephanie E. Vasko is busy exploring ways to use machine-learning approaches in food and agriculture.

  • Exploring how climate change will reshape the tourism industry

    Published on January 1, 2019
    Michelle Rutty, an assistant professor of sustainable tourism at MSU, works to understand how decisions related to natural resources, including climate change, influence the sustainability of the recreation and tourism sectors.

  • Producing exceptional tasting, high-quality fruit

    Published on January 1, 2019
    Todd Einhorn strives to cultivate trees that will consistently produce the right balance of flowers, fruit and leaves to produce “exceptional tasting, high-quality fruit.

  • From India to MSU – researcher has dedicated his life to agriculture

    Published on January 1, 2019
    Maninderpal Singh, an assistant professor in the MSU Department of Plant, Soil and Microbial Sciences, is studying current and emerging issues in cropping systems to help Michigan farmers improve farm profitability, sustainability and climate resiliency.

  • Carrying the LTER torch forward

    Published on January 1, 2019
    Nick Haddad saw leading the Long-Term Ecological Research projects as a perfect opportunity to continue the research that has defined his career.