The 2014-2015 Fenske Fellowship: furthering the future of fisheries management
DOWNLOADMarch 9, 2016 - Molly J. Good; William W. Taylor; Robert Lambe
Journal or Book Title: MSU Fisheries and Wildlife Spotlight
Volume/Issue: 12
Page Number(s): 6-8
Year Published: 2016
What does the future have in store for the Great Lakes Basin, and are we ready for it? This is a critical question to consider, especially in regard to emerging issues and potential threats that could affect the Great Lakes and its abundant aquatic and fisheries resources. The Great Lakes Basin comprises 20% of the world's surface freshwater and is home to immense biological diversity, including more than 150 native fish species. The basin also provides extensive and economically significant tribal, commercial, and recreational fisheries, all worth more than $7 billion annually. However, cultural and anthropogenic influences including overexploitation of fish stocks, climate change, pollution, land use changes, potential introductions of new invasive species such as Asian carp, and even international border control threaten the Great lakes. Though we cannot use a crystal ball to foresee the Great Lakes Basin environment decades from now, it is possible, and recommended, that fisheries researchers, managers, and other stakeholders discuss potential changes in the environment and whether the management structure within the Great Lakes Basin is best equipped to address these changes.
Publisher: MSU Fisheries and Wildlife