Effects of Agricultural Marketing
Competency A4. Demonstrate knowledge of AFNR practices of marketing, business management & planning.
Understand the basics of buzz words on labels (gluten, hormones, GMOs etc.) and how their use on products affect the purchases of consumers, in a helpful or misleading way. They should be able to understand this information and apply it when purchasing food at the store. Taking it a step further, you could go into label regulations and requirements and how that impacts the marketing industry.
- Adrian Schunk’s state and national winning speech on fear based marketing
- Food labeling fact sheets
- Food Labels Activity: Send students on a scavenger hunt in their cupboards or grocery store to find food labels (gluten, hormones, GMOs etc.) and do a project on them how effective and/or accurate these are and how they impact consumers perceptions and purchases.
- Food Labeling Info USDA
- Food@MSU Survey (and website)
Teaching Methods
Brainstorming, Lecture Discussion, Paired or Small Group Discussion, Case Study, Resource People, Supervised Study, Debate