Animal Breeding and Color Genetics
Competency B6. Evaluate and select animals for reproduction according to breeding and production goals.
Includes identification of breed, specific characteristics of each breed, how a breed is formed, and breed registration. Also includes color traits and combinations, breeding for specific colors, and color genotypes and phenotypes.
- Dog Breeding (Biointeractive)
- Developing an Explanation for Mouse Fur Color (Biointeractive)
- Dogs Decoded Movie (discusses color change in domesticated foxes)
- Courses For Dog Breeders
- Vet Sci Breed ID (MI FFA)
- Rabbit Genetics
- Rabbit Coat Color Genetics
- Rabbit Color Genotypes Chart
Teaching Methods
Lecture Discussion, Paired or Small Group Discussion, Role Play, Demonstration, Case Study, Field Trip, Resource People, Experiment, Game and Simulations