Ash plant bug
July 30, 2015
Tropidosteptes amoenus
Injury from ash plant bug can be seen on leaves of ash trees. They overwinter as eggs under the bark of ash trees and hatch around the time redbud is in flower. There are two generations per year. Second generation nymphs continue to feed on the lower leaf surface. There is a characteristic green heart-shaped mark inside of a triangular structure in the middle of the insect’s back. Adult ash plant bugs are about ¼ inch long with green and brown markings.
Treatment is rarely needed as lasting damage to the trees rarely results from ash plant bug feeding.
Nymphs feed on the underside of leaves, creating stippled or mottled patches of yellow and white visible on the upper surface of the leaves. Small tar-like spots of excrement may be present on the undersides of leaves. As injury progresses, dead areas may appear along the leaf margins.
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